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The Curse Of Marriage |
Lately, I have sensed what marriage is rather than before. The spiritual enlightenment about marriage is getting engraved deep in my heart over the tragic experience that is never fictive like when we just watch movie screens but is real. Well, it seems to me that no one can censure what I have realized about marriage, although I have a negative and skeptical perspective.
What I want to write in this article is to make known the paradox and absurdity of the marriage institution. French philosopher named Albert Camus mentioned 'absurdity'. In fact, everything in this world is absurd to the bone! In conclusion, Albert Camus said that we humans should take up all the absurdity of our lives in this world and ride out the absurd storm.
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Albert Camus |
We humans might have to know that an ideal marriage is thoroughly impossible to be actualized in humanity's lives. Even if Bible has professed that marriage is sacred, and God blesses marriage all the more, all is a whopping fake!
I think that marriage is like God's commandments we humans can never observe. How ironic marriage is God blesses! Candidly, marriage law per se is unrealistic and impracticable; how could a couple become one body and one spirit? Or rather everybody is independent and too selfish beyond that one body and one spirit...
Of all things, love itself is always fickle as though a blowing and disappearing wind and a changeable sea...; people have built love into the wind and the sea endlessly, and then love demolishes the thing that we humans call love over and over, moreover time water down the intensity of love more and more...
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A fickle sea with a sea wind |
Thus we humans would have wanted to catch such love with the institution of marriage or the cage of marriage or the cursory framework of marriage or the law of marriage willfully. How could marriage be ever? It is completely impossible, even if it seems to have been maintained for such a long time outwardly. However, the marriage institution is being broken down in the 21st century like Christianity is getting ruined in Europe. Oddly that Europeans have already rejected the marriage system as a result of their opposition to Christianity; so I get the impression that marriage and Christianity must have had something in common, in other words, when Christianity is being rejected, the marriage institution is also being collapsed and when Christianity is being flourished, the marriage institution is also being thrived, which is meant that the vibe of Christianity has been incredible in our society for 2000 years!
Having said that, marriage and Christianity are still powerful in our society so they occur tons of incorrigible social problems because therein lies the cruelest crimes! That marriage institution is getting entangled with the worst bitterness like bitter roots deeply taking root in the soil; the aggregate of every evilnesses and conflict that is marriage.
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Bitter roots |
And the visible and diverse troubles of marriage are just covered up in our homes and society yet the seriousness of absurd marriage is being exposed more and more, thus some say that the marriage institution is likely to be abolished in 2030 like Christianity in Europe already withered away...
Still, we humans seem to want to marry for a rosy dream in family and at home, farther in this world...; sadly, therein lies all kinds of tragedies. All sorts of afflictions begin from a marriage which is why the Bible has deceived humanity first like below: The Bible proclaims that we humans should marry: But is it really true?
Genesis 2:23~24 esv 23: Then the man(Adam) said, " This is at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man." 24: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Let us read this part carefully: Wow, it seems not God's own commandment but seems Adam's own word, if not, who said verse 24 like this? 24: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Look at verse 24 carefully and meticulously; God's own word is nowhere to be seen. In my book, Adam himself would say, concluding his thought, so he is using the word "therefore". Do you think that God would speak that? or else, do you think that Adam would speak like that? The subject who is speaking is subtly omitted in that verse, isn't it?...
What is more, what does it mean that "they shall become one flesh." Does it mean to have a sexual relationship? Otherwise, what does it really mean?... In this passage, no one said that it was meant a modern marriage institution, rather the meaning Adam said sounds just abstract and metaphorical like the literary expression. Nonetheless, theologians and pastors seem to have interpreted or dreamed up that verse for 2000 years like we humans should marry necessarily that is God's commandment! Because they should have established or fit the doctrine of Christianity in this way in order to make humans join with Jesus Christ with the method of marriage like the metaphor of the holy bridegroom and bride that the Bible says.
On the contrary to this, ironically the apostle Paul professed that it is better not to marry as possible as you can, so which one is correct? LOL
1 Corinth 7:25~40 25: Now concerning the betrothed, I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. 26: I think that in view of the present distress( it stands for the parusia) it is good for a person to remain as he is. 38: So then he who marries his betrothed does well, and he who remains from marriage will do even better.
Even the Bible seems to beautify the marriage that humans should marry with Jesus Christ in order to overcome an absurd and unrealizable human marriage itself through Jesus Christ for humans can never fulfill such marriage the Bible commands with God's law. What if Jesus Christ who accomplished God's law instead of all humanity is a symbol of freedom beyond God's law, then the earthly marriage cannot help but ruin. Keeping earthly marriage is an impossible realization and makes troubles between husbands and wives.
Therefore, according to the Bible, when humans become one body with Jesus, it is meant that such a combination is perfectly ideal! What is different from flaming greed for salvation exploiting the union of Jesus Christ? That's why Christianity is one of the religions that humanity has dreamed up so as to achieve their greed... In that regard, Christianity is like other idolatry that's why Jesus Christ has become a savior of humanity, in other words, Jesus is like an idol whose power can even feel the effects of gratifying humans' avarice, hope, and even eternal life in heaven over the holy union of Jesus Christ the Bible describes. It is another greed for salvation in the name of marriage, namely, marriage is meant salvation.
In one sense, the earthly marriage we humans have married on this earth might also be regarded as a sort of salvation out of this hellish world that's why we humans still desire to marry involuntarily with cherishing a rosy dream that is likely to be given happiness over a husband or wife who might be able to expect and rely on like Jesus Christ in this hellish world...humm..., so the myth of the union between Jesus Christ and humans the Bible says would have also been concocted based on that kind of mechanical, unconscious, human's ardent hope. In short, humanity has projected their hope to Jesus Christ, since earthly husbands and wives are all imperfect beings to be satisfied over marriage institution. Nowadays, I think that the Bible was also written by humanity, which means that it is not God's living word.
Anyway, humanity has formed the law of marriage under the harsh and cruel teaching of the Bible, and what is more, that marriage institution has served the prosperity of each nation. What if has no marriage law, how could humanity be flourished based on each family which is the basic unit of our society? And what if has no marriage law, we humans will have love affairs everywhere, then the order of society will be messed up and ruined... Well, our manifold modern society's laws would also have been derived from the Bible, precisely speaking God's law, first. Likewise, Christianity and the Bible have dominated humanity for 2000 years in this way!
Having said that, I don't want to deny God's(or gods') being who might be ruling each person's destiny... I assume that God would not be the God Christianity defines at least... Because we humans have kept that kind of impractical and unrealizable marriage, whatever the overcome, in this devilish world, in other words, the marriage law under this devilish world is still standing up to 'the impossibility of marriage'; even the world's population is being reached 8 billion in 2022 which is no longer 7 billion! ; it sounds crazy! How supernatural it is that that kind of absurd and unrealizable marriage institution is still being maintained! It might be a numinous God's providence we humans never know...
And in the process, we humans should be matched with only one by means of marriage institution among 8 billion all over the world, and then some of them are divorced... That said, that marriage law is just a token, cursory, framework as thousands of husbands and wives have had love affairs with others because of the inborn nature of humans, that is to say, human avarice is endless...
Along the way, some do not steal from others' husbands or wives, and some do steal from others' husbands and wives only pursuing their own greed, contrariwise some observe marriage and social laws, and some do not; why is that?... We people might have to regard others' husbands and wives as commercialized or owned goods because humans are none other than money, namely commercialized or encashed bodies, under inexorable capitalism and mammonism, so if someone steals from others' husbands or wives, then he or she should be punished like the case of stealing money. Sadly that kind of love is not called love but is called adultery.
Additionally, some are married; some are not; even some are remarried several times in their lives; some are not; some are divorced; some are not; why is that?... All these things may come from each destiny God plans... Savagely it seems to me that we humans can never conquer that kind of predestined fate...
Humanity has sought love in the name of marriage. Sometimes love gives much pain and drives humanity into a wreck, and at times that love gives the energy of life; in this manner, love not only gives life but also gives destruction; even love has an awful dilemma and absurdity... However, that love cannot help but become a contract based on money in the end; frankly, people do marry for money and divorce for money under mammonism... Truth be told, everything in the world is the same as a contract based on money as if a business works, by doing so people calculate profit and loss as always...
Money: profit and loss |
Despite all of this, some are still married; some are still divorced; some are still remarried several times; some are still not married but should be alone in their entire life that is the history of the Earth has been 4.5 billion years... We humans might be becoming victims of Christianity and the victims of the marriage institution and the victims of each destiny in these ways; that each destiny may still be occurring tricks of fate...
An irony of fate.
The power of destiny.