Jul 12, 2020

Popcorn Brain Syndrome Solution



   1. The Meme of IT Development
   2. The Isolated Wolflike Boy
   3.  Information Age
   4.  Information Overflow
   5.  The Difficulty Of Creative Writings
   6.  A Depressing Blogging
   7.  Informative Writings
   8.  The Moon and Sixpence 
   9.  Idealist Don Quixote
 10.  Hamlet 
 11.  Understanding Popcorn Brain
 12.  Enchanting Creative Power Against Popcorn Brain
 13.  Popcorn Brain By Money
 14.  An Ongoing Dilemma

1. The Meme of IT Development

      🌹 Today, almost all people use diverse mobile phone products on the basis of "Information and Communication Industry or its Technology" whether it causes addictions or  has an impact on positive effects to humans. 

        In such a setting, people are being forced to use it necessarily and tacitly, for one example, if someone cannot utilize a mobile phone that is programmed and accessed by internet-computer systemă…ˇ it is like a portable computer instead of desktop, which is added the function of phoneă…ˇ then he will be alienated from a late culture in our society as if the pitiful boy who was raised by wolves in the wood...

 2. The Isolated Wolflike Boy

      We might have heard about the story even once, the "wolflike" boy who has never been socialized by human culture...

The Wolflike Boy With Wolves
The Wolflike Boy With Wolves

      Even the old might have to learn how to handle a mobile phone including accessing computer. What if they don't know how to utilize it, then they will be pretty inconvenient in various ways nowadays, like this example;  if someone cannot understand text, either read or write,  then he will have to only live as an illiterate... No one will want to live as the illiterate, similarly, everybody will want to competently use a mobile phone or internet-based computer while we live...

      In any case, everybody, from children to the old, is being pressured to use a mobile phone or internet not to lag behind from a late culture in our societyă…ˇesp. companies stir up consumers to purchase "new products" in order to earn huge money therewith. Plus consumers want to buy new products or trend again and again.

      Because, people tend to unwittingly feel ashamed if they don't have new products as same as other people have, so that companies always investigate and monitor a marketing survey based on a consumer's psychology of how to make a profit more...and...more...
3.  Information Age

      Along the way, those who rapidly provide and find out much more information rather than other people are likely to be a winner today in some ways... For we people live in information age, in addition, its information are flooded all over the world.
      In this respect, we might as well know the problem of using mobile phone/internet of what happens when we use it too much, so to speak, "Internet Addiction" : e.g.  social media(YouTube, manifold chatting apps, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.), game, web-surfing, IT business, on-line marketing, advert-marketing based on webblogs or websites, etc.

4.  Information Overflow

       Of course, there are innumerable information and knowledge about internet addiction in terms of medical fields.  Even so, I cannot even post that information or knowledge like expert psychiatrists or psychologists or other medical filed doctors who know its addiction problem very well. 

      Many people might have their own blogs or websites today like meă…ˇ I only have one, this blog... Even some have many blogs at one time(2~10 blogs or websites, perhaps) to make much money, and their income cannot be imagined.

      Lots of bloggers have been blogging about varied information. Despite I think that blog cannot inform the exact information, unless bloggers are an expert about that field... even experts don't have a perfect knowledge or information... For no one is perfect...

     Furthermore, most people don't trust the published information-based (informative) contents that bloggers have published.  I'm sorry to say this, I don't even trust that information either, unless they are an expert about that field in practice... Plus, blogger's profile itself might not even be true, even though they introduce themselves as an expert for that field or market niche...

      I don't want to post expert information through my blog; because, my knowledge is too short to inform or post that kind of information and knowledge... And that kind of information or knowledge are already flooded on-line...

      Just what I want to inform is, will be a basic and a brief information everybody may know... In that sense, I might not be a proper blogger... Lately, I often feel abashed about myself whose knowledge (or information) is too scant, despite I have blogged, so while I feel guilty of blogging in a manner ...  

5.  The Difficulty Of Creative Writings


      Anyhow, I might have chosen the genre of essay that can freely write one's mind and heart. I have written it on the basis of my "trivial" experience and " thin" knowledge via this blogă…ˇ recently, several writings that I have written are being indexed on Google search engine, even if no one wants to read my writings through... Even so, it was difficult to be indexed on Google... And that indexing took place for the first time in my life.

      Having said that, a creative writing is not "easy" to write either, because it needs a writer's own creative ability, intuitive insight, keen analytical ability, plentiful experience, substantial knowledge, perseverance, expressive ability, and  writer's own life-history... and the rest.

      Especially, a writer's life-history is so important to be writers; for that is their foundation and fountain to well their spirit or creativity in them... Although someone looks like a genius, everybody will not be an authentic writer.

      But, as I see it,  today everybody easily becomes a writer for show, publishing their books, even their e-books... They might want to show off the thing that they also became a writer... Of course,  there is no limitation to be a writer... Everybody might be able to be a writer nowadays...

      If someone is a prodigy since early childhood, then he can be an artist in that circle,  however, being a writer is exceptional... For there should exist their own life-experience or history to penetrate the essence of something such as the questions: what life is, what death isă…ˇkind of thought-provoking questions... something like that...  I think that writers might have to illuminate about that questions at least as if many prominent or classical writers...

      I'm never a writer who has a talent to write books based on their roots as mentioned above... I'm too short to write books, or too short to blog... I have never published my books, even one book,  I am just a " nobody"  who even has no one's real name... just my nickname is shalom, which means, hello, its inner meaning, is "peace" in Hebrew... 

      I don't even have a thin knowledge to blog for that information people seek and follow... hence, writing based on my personal ideas or petty materials might be appropriate to blog to me.  Well... even my petty materials will be dried soon or some day... 

6.  A Depressing Blogging

      I don't even know how long I will be able to blog with that and with current difficulties... And I do not even know the exact reason why I have been blogging for nearly 8 months..., In another sense, I also want to make money through blogging like many other bloggers want... 
  To be honest, who would dislike money itself...?
      But, it seems that it will not happen...to me... Just "dying" might be the only thing that I have to do against the principle of the world... Besides, what would be so good to make money through blogging...? It might be the same as "throwing a stone into a sea" , in other words, "be endless", because, a man's lust for money is endless and is like an ablaze spark...

      Plus, how much will I be able to make money through blogging...? Making money will not be a main goal to blog either, though I still want to receive a small reward for blogging like most bloggers want...

      But, what is more sorrowful is, I cannot even require that reward either... For no one, as an employer, has forced me to blog from the beginning with the sure guarantee of payment... There is only an ambiguous "uncertainty", namely there is no any guarantee to make money by blogging, instead there is an inexplicit possibility, whether successful or unsuccessful, and the inexplicit possibility might lead people to peeve and to be crazy as if the mentality for gambling...

      For one example, if a fisherman lures fishes to make money, then the hooked fish by a bait will have to take the consequence caused by fishes' "hunger"... ; and then the fisherman will say, " we have never compel you to bite at the bait! " Whose fault is that?...  The fisherman or the hooked fish? Of all things, the fisherman's bait was impossible to swallow... Receiving a reward by blogging looks impossible dream...

      But still, I don't even know the specific reason why I have been blogging without any reward... It might be my fate to be exposed my "sin" through blogging, and then to endlessly "die" against my sinful nature and against the world's principle, this might be the reason that God wants...,
Where am I going...? 
Where am I going...again today...?

It is just raining daylong... , regardless of my desperate question...

      Beyond that, I think that bloggers might have to shoulder responsibility to inform that kind of information via their blogs; what if they mislead the public through that information, what shall they do?...

      Recently, I'm concerned about that matter... This is my experience: when I informed the gospel message via this blogă…ˇto be more accurate, when I was translating the gospel not as an expert translatoră…ˇI tremendously suffered from translating and informing it. Because if I mistranslate it and mislead people therewith, it becomes all my fault. Besides, there was no any reward(earnings) to do it...; for I'm not a pastor who can make money by the Bible messages.

      However, I did it, embracing all the danger by an unknowable and unutterable obsession... I was like an addict by the Bible message(religion) back then. After all, my bruised heart was only etched... its heartache is still swirling deep in my heart... By doing so, I realized that I was not the one who was able to "inform" it, no matter what it is... That is the account that I endorse creative writings on my blog based on my bitter experience...

7.  Informative Writings

      An informative or academic blogging might look like a machine, its feature is very objective, practical, and cold; for there should not mirror one's own mind and heart in it...

      Furthermore, people might prefer that kind of writings in an internet-based access, and it might look more proper, because internet system itself is a "machinery", there should not mirror or echo one's subjective mind and heart... For one's spirit has to be trampled in it, and then must be equated with that machine...

      On the other hand, a literature genre is very subjective, spiritual, unpractical, and notional...etc. , thus it might not be suitable to make money in that internet-based access, although recently e-books are being published...

      By the way, people can never live only for materialism, ironically, humans are also spiritual animal, so that people might still read literature books, though it looks like an unrealistic for making money...

   8.  The Moon and Sixpence 

      The book title " The Moon And Sixpence" ( W. Somerset Maugham, 1874~1965, UK) suddenly comes to my mind... In plain words, is this: " which one will we choose between the Moon and Sixpence?..."

      The Moon symbolizes an ideal, Sixpence refers to money word- for-word, more precisely speaking, "money is the reality."  No one will disagree with that... Interestingly, the full-moon and gold coin(money, the Sixpence) look alike each otheră…ˇthe shape and color, as below:

The Moon
The Moon

The Gold Coin 1902~1910 British Gold Sovereign Edward VII Avg Circ/
The Gold Coin
1902~1910 British Gold Sovereign
Edward VII Avg Circ/
     But, they have a different concept in it... If someone chases the Moon, then he will lose money, reversely, if one pursues money, then he will lose the Moon... yes...money flees... Therein lies a dilemma....

9.  Idealist Don Quixote

        That being said, if someone chases the Moon, then he will be "Don Quixote"(written by Miguel de Cervantes, originally published 1605, Spain )who was crammed with an ideal and his own righteousnessă…ˇknight-errant...

      Pursuing something "ideal " can be one's own righteousness like the example of "Don Quixote", whereas chasing money becomes those who are crazy to only make money like "Scrooge" (A Christmas Carol, 1843, Charles Dickens, UK ) on Christmas Eve...

Scrooge Disney's  A Christmas Carol Jim Carrey
Scrooge Disney's  A Christmas Carol
Jim Carrey

      Regardless, both become a sinner who only produces a sin in them... In fact, everybody is a sinner, whatever humans do,  everything turns out a "sin" itself at last... Despite humans cannot help but sin on and on...
I see that everything I have done was only a sin... Blogging is, too...

 10.  Hamlet 

      Plus, we human might not be able to do "this" and " that" like a pig in the middle... , so the famous saying is echoing ; "To be or not to be, to live or to die, this is the question", which was confessed by "Hamlet" (The Prince of Denmarkă…ˇwritten by William  Shakespeare, 1564~1616, UK).

The Movie  Hamlet Actor : Benedict Cumberbatch, UK
The Movie , Hamlet
Actor : Benedict Cumberbatch, UK

      Hamlet was wandering what to do for his life... This was Hamlet's inner conflict, is this:
So to speak, to live in this inexorable world is tremendously agonizing, cruel, miserable, mean, absurd, contradictory, and unfair....etc.  On the flip-side, a revenge against the world is not permitted either, even more, to kill himself is not allowed under the so-called "law" of Christianity either such as the slogan: " If you commit suicide,  you shall go into Hell."

      Is it really true like people assume?... Well to be honest,  no one will know the fact to the bone, God Himself only will know it... Having said that, I'm not a supporter to enkindle the self-murder...

      Eventually, whether we live or die, everything might become as God only wishes.  Killing himself may also be God's own sovereignty, they might have been already predetermined to kill himself like so... even before they were born...

This morning, I read the CNN news (and other news too) that one of well-known politicians in a country killed himself in a single night, no one supposed that he would kill himself in that way...He died in the wood... in a single night... ă…ˇThe news was posted:  July 10, 2020.

      Anyway, that was Hamlet's deep dilemma... Candidly, everybody will be the same as Hamlet himself... That may be a fundamental human's anguish and and an ultimate loneliness of human...

      Similarly, we human cannot do "this", nor can we do "that" in this dilemma..., it will be the original angst of all human... In the end, all men must die like Hamlet died amid the anguish, the dilemma... This is Hamlet's comment and cry... :

"Oh God, Oh God!

Everything in the world looks dreary, lifeless, monotonous, worthless, and futile to me!


This world is the garden that only overgrown the weeds!

And the decaying garden!

All dirty things are only crammed in there !"

ă…ˇTranslated by ISOURBLOG

11.  Understanding Popcorn Brain

      I also use internet-services frequently after beginning blogging... Anyway, everybody will know the addiction of mobile phone or internet. Just what I want to briefly inform, is this; what Happens, when We Overuse Internet. 

11-1.  The Unbalanced Brain

- Watching video by mobile phone or internet only stimulates a man's "left-brain", thus the function of right-brain is abnormally degraded. 
- Especially, when a man's right-brain has to be grown, which has to intuitively think about something objects, overusing mobile phone/internet promotes the unbalance of brain.
This unbalanced brain stimulates an "impulsive hyperactivity."


11-2.  Popcorn Brain

- Watching video, playing games, etc. by mobile phone or internet makes a man's brain to be the "popcorn brain", which says, a man's brain is only absorbed to watch the immediate screens of video or game in.
 - By doing so, a man's brain is only reacted by such an "immediate information" that looks like a "popping" popcorn, whereas such a popcorn brain numbs the sense of reality that is slower than the immediate screen of cellphone or internet.

11-3.  Only For Stimulation
- As a result, such a popcorn brain is only used to watching the fast-moving screens, for this reason, that brain is to be difficult to react inactive activities such as reading books. 
-Because, a human brain has to achieve the 3-step process:


1) Be stimulated 

2) Be organized or systematized 

3) Be expressed

 .       But mobile phone or internet addiction generally stimulates the only first step,"stimulation". 

Notice that this was summarized and translated by ISOURBLOG based on the resource: "Health Education" for a school class.

     12. Enchanting Creative Power Against Popcorn Brain

     In conclusion, a man's brain has all the 3-step process as above mentioned, thus, we people should train not only the first step but also the rest phaseă…ˇthe ability of "thinking" and "expressing" in response to that "stimulation", improving right-brain as well.  Writing might be one way to enhance right-brain function that can think and express in response to that stimulation.

12. The Almighty Dollar Principleă…ˇScrooge

      A contemporary generation is being changed very quickly under information age... Almost everything is being digitized, for this reason it is only marked "number" through the system of machinery itself.

      Like this, a human existence is being numbered with "statistic" (number, graph, chart,  etc) in order to ultimately make money,  in other words, people themselves become a moving "moneybag".

      Because, "money" only rules everything in this world...
We people live in that "Mammonism" ( the Almighty dollar principle), what is more cruel is, no one will flee from that invisible fetter, money-slavery... , unless we people meet the ghosts or the Spirit like Scrooge met in one night..., though it is just a fiction...

Scrooge and the ghost Christmas Eve
Scrooge and the ghost Christmas Eve

13.  Popcorn Brain By Money

     The "popcorn brain" might also be caused by making money,  for people only think how to make money more...and ...more...  That might be another " popcorn brain" which is only stimulated by seeing money...

     People might be becoming a machine itself to only make money..., so that there should not cherish the Moon. Even so, no one can live without money in practice, that dilemma might be a provocative contradictory to all humans... 

14.  An Ongoing Dilemma

      Half is the Flesh, and half is the Spirit... 
According to the Bible, we humans are half is God's own image, and a half is a brutal human(beast)!  We people might be a deformed and mingled "monster" that is neither a perfect man, nor a sheer animal, nor the entire Flesh, nor the whole Spirit!  What the hell is that?... That is why it becomes a dilemma... At least, it lets me think like that...  I do...

      Perhaps, we human might have the similar attribute of so-called "The Trinity".  The Bible states that we humans were stemmed from God's own image, for this reason, we humans might have the duplexity or more...

Dilemma, farther trilemma!

Greek Mythology, Daphnis Image: Google
Greek Mythology, Daphnis

"The Moon and Sixpence" coexist again today... And lots of people die due to money again today...  No one will be able to live only for money, and no one will be able to live only for the Moon...


     We people might have to improve our right-brain function as much as the popcorn brain pops or swells toward internet addiction and money...